Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Bow Bun!

One of our favorite new trends is the Bow bun. It's the perfect updo for school, work, the gym, or a more formal event. It's easy to do and, with alittle hairspray, can last a long time. It's so unique and fun, and we reccomend that everyone try it, no matter what hair type! We've included some pictures and a how-to to help you get started. Enjoy!

(1) Using a ponytail holder that is the same color as your hair, pull your hair into a bun by not pulling the hair all the way through on the last looping of the ponytail holder. It is important that you pull the hair all in the same direction.
(2) Leave the very ends of your hair in the front, you will need them in a minute.
(3) Fan hair out, spritz with a little holding spray to make it stand up if needed.  Be liberal with the hairspray for the best hold and look.
(4)  Separate the fanned hair in the middle to make the two “loops” of the bun.
(5) Pull the ends that were left in the front backwards over the middle of the loops and pin in the back using a bobby pin.
(6) Add a little hairspray and smooth fly-aways with hair gel. You're Done!!

Have a cute hairstyle?? Please share!
Girls in Heels

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